Kourtney Roy is currently exhibiting in a photo museum in China. This is the first museum for photography in China which is open to the public.
Rencontres d'Arles is an important photo festival in Arles, France.
In Vrij Nederland magazine of March 2018 an artical about the photographes of Patrick Willocq. 10 pages, with beautiful images, by photo editor Jenny Smets.
This Saturday evening, February 17th, the 12th edition of the Noordeinde Nocturne Event will take place! During this romantic evening you can enjoy the music of 20 concerts on unique places throughout the Noordeinde. The ensembles are composed of members of the Residential Orchestra and the Royal Conservatory.
Dit jaar is Project 2.0 / Gallery toegelaten tot niets minder dan Paris Photo!
Wij zijn supertrots op onze kunstenaar en creative mind Ronald A. Westerhuis die het MH17 Monument ontworpen en gemaakt heeft. Het gedenkteken is een stalen wand van 25 meter breed en zes meter hoog, met daarin de namen van alle 298 slachtoffers.